Domain names

It's a good idea not to exceed 2-3 words. you want people to remember your domain name and type it accuratly. the only characters you can use are letters from the A SCII set of characters. Which are (a-z) (A-Z) (0-9) and hyphens can only be used it they are surrounded by charaters. You cant use things like spaces and (# * %). If you want to acquire a specific domain name, first you choose a domain name that you want and that's available. Then you have to regester that name. After you have to purchase that domain name. Lastly verify that your the owner of the new domain and enjoy your domain name for as long as your purchased it for. A domain name can be purchased on a yearly basis anywhere from 10-15 dollars.


If I had to start a businiss it would probably be coding things for people. If I had to make a website for this businiss it would probably be whatevercoding. It is a good domain name because that's the only thing that came to mind. The domain name I used is avaliable. I used this domain name to find if my name was available.